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Eastern Cape District Council 64

   DIOCESAN  Bishop Gwendolyn Weeks



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Eastern Cape Province, 54 th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal

Assemblies of the World, Inc. Bishop Gwendolyn Weeks, Diocesan


About the Diocesan

Bishop Weeks leads Bethel Tabernacle Pentecostal Church in Massachusetts, which was founded
by her father. She was ordained in 1988 and worked as an international evangelist. She was the first
female chairperson of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World’s Northeast District Council
and served on the denomination's board of directors. 
About the Country and Its Unique Characteristics and Challenges:
budget for education, most of it intended for infrastructure development. [14][15]
Eastern Cape, province, south-central South Africa. It is bordered by Western Cape province to the west,
Northern Cape province to the northwest, Free State province and Lesotho to the north, KwaZulu-Natal
province to the northeast, and the Indian Ocean to the southeast and south. The eastern portion of the
former Griqualand East (surrounding Umzimkulu) is now an exclave of Eastern Cape located in southern
KwaZulu-Natal. Eastern Cape was part of the former Cape of Good Hope province until 1994. Bhisho is the
provincial capital.
There are nine varied Provinces in this country of Africa. The Eastern Cape is a province of South Africa.
Its capital is Bhisho, but its two largest cities are Port Elizabeth and East London. It was formed in 1994
out of the Xhosa homelands or bantustans of Transkei and Ciskei, together with the eastern portion of the
Cape Province. It is the landing place and home of the 1820 Settlers. The central and eastern part of the

province is the traditional home of the Xhosa people. Its population is approximately a 6.5Million people in
the Eastern Region.
There is much fertile land in the Eastern Cape, and agriculture remains important. The fertile Langkloof
Valley in the southwest has enormous deciduous fruit orchards, while sheep farming predominates in the
Karoo. The Alexandria-Grahamstown area produces pineapples, chicory, and dairy products, while coffee
and tea are cultivated at Magwa. People in the former Transkei region are dependent on cattle, maize, and sorghum-farming. An olive nursery has been developed in collaboration with the University of Fort
Hare to form a nucleus of olive production in the Eastern Cape. The basis of the province's fishing industry
is squid, some recreational and commercial fishing for line fish, the collection of marine resources, and
access to line-catches of hake.
With three import/export harbors and three airports offering direct flights to the main centers, and an
excellent road and rail infrastructure, the province has been earmarked as a key area for growth and
economic development in modern South Africa. The Eastern Cape Department of Education has been
roundly criticized for poor primary and secondary education [4] resulting from dysfunction, [5] special
interests, and issues with the South Africa teachers union, SADTU. [6][7] The province struggles with a lack
of schools; a lack of teachers leading to overcrowding; a lack of textbooks; a lack of basic facilities like
toilets, electricity or water; and poor transport infrastructure which regularly absents and endangers


3939 Meadows Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205

Bishop Theodore Brooks , Presiding Bishop  -   Dr. Kandy Akers , Chair & Global Director


Phone: 317.547.9541 

Fax: 317.543.0513




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