Biography, Suffragan Bishop Lafayette Boyd Sr., Ph.D
Suffragan Bishop Lafayette Boyd has been active on the mission field for nearly twenty years. Suffragan Bishop Boyd first traveled to Belize in February 2004. The favor of the Lord was evident given that during his short trip, Suffragan Bishop Boyd was able to forge relationships with Belizean government, media, and ecclesiastical officials. Before he returned to the states he had established an apostolic broadcast with the Power Mix Radio station, began a cable television broadcast, planted a church in the town of Silkgrass, and implemented plans for a crusade. Over the years, Suffragan Bishop Boyd has been able to partner with various economic development groups and rehabilitation centers in order to bring aid to the Belizean people. He has always established food programs to help feed local school children, Additionally, he has hosted a number of crusades which have resulted in many Belizeans being Baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost. As a result of Suffragan Bishop Boyd’s efforts, there are currently eight Belizean churches that have been brought into the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, and several other independent apostolic churches expressing an interest in following suit. Suffragan Bishop Boyd also purchased land in southern Belize and plans are in the works to build a church and resource center on the property. Suffragan Bishop Boyd along with his wife, now make quarterly trips to the region, working tirelessly to maintain relationships with resident pastors and government officials, cultivate the established churches, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!