European Council of Nations
Germany 31 -A
Bishop Michael Franklin

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Bishop Michael Franklin's mission to foster, implement and spread the teachings of Jesus Christ throughout our community as well as the world, in hopes to encourage domestic and foreign missions. We shall accomplish this by improving the quality of life through education and inspiration in order that men and women may be delivered from sin developed in faith and deployed into destiny
There is but one God, Creator of all, whose name is Jesus (Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21-23; John 1:1-3, 10; 1Timothy 3:16; Colossians 1:15-17; and the entrance into His Kingdom is through a new birth experience pf being born again of water and of the Spirit of God (John3:3-5: Acts 2:36-39)
Following Bishop Wagner’s reassignment by the PAW Board to the Texas State Council, in August 2009 the ECN became two separate dioceses, ECN East and ECN West. The ECN East is comprised of the churches in Germany, Italy and Eastern Europe, including Russia and the Ukraine. The ECN West is comprised of the UK and Ireland, France and Belgium. Bishop Michael D. Franklin, who formerly served as a suffragan bishop of the ECN, was elevated to the office of bishop in August 2009 and is currently the diocesan of the ECN East.