South Pacific District Council 43
Fiji, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia
DIOCESAN Bishop Tutai Pere
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Greetings to all in the most glorious and precious Name of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are all by now gearing up to not miss this great and awesome Church Reunion at our 20th South Pacific District Council in Cairns, Australia. It opens on Monday June 28th and closes on Sunday July 4th. There will be an abundance of teachings, preachings, business sessions, worship, and fellowship throughout the entire seven days of the council.
We will have representations from the Cook Islands, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, United States of America and the four hosting churches in Australia. We shall be traveling on immediately after the General Council to officially dedicate three new churches, in Townsville on Tuesday July 6th, in Sydney on Friday July 9th and Melbourne on Sunday July 11th, with open evangelistic crusades at each of the above venues.
Sincerely looking forward to some powerful outpouring of God's Spirit at all of the above meetings and sure harvesting of souls for God's kingdom. Jesus is at your doorstep, get saved, stay saved and no regrets later. Only One saves - Jesus Christ!