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Atlantic Zone Council of Cost Rica 
   DIOCESAN Craig S. High 

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Jesus in Mark 16:15 tells the eleven, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature". These were the instructions  given by Jesus to the one's who first turned the world upside down. The instructions Jesus by given on that day still hold true for today and must be fulfilled so that every kindred, tongue, nation, and people can hear and receive the good news about our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.


Bishop Craig S. High  is working to make a great inpact  in the  Costa Rica Atlantic  zone . Current projects inculde  building  contruction  and expansiojn if thew dioseases . Join Bishop High and the Costa Roca Atlantic Zone Ministry Team  to help further the work. 


About :

The northern coast of Costa Rica near the Nicaraguan border, Barra Del Colorado boasts superb tarpon fishing that draws fishermen from around the world. Other fish caught in the area include snook and calba, which run upstream from December to January.

The port city of Limon is Caribbean flavor all the way. Capital of the Afro-Caribbean culture in Costa Rica, Limon possesses dialects based on the English that have survived thanks to the natural barriers between the Central Valley and the Caribbean Coast.

If a stop in Limon produces a little culture shock, it's a good equalizer for the journey ahead.

About an hour south of Limon is Cahuita, another charming Caribbean town, which lends its name to Cahuita National Park.

The town's original location was in Cahuita's Point where William Smith, a turtle fisherman of Afro-Caribbean origin from Panama and Cahuita's first inhabitant settled in 1828.  The town has maintained true to its African roots and this influence can be observed in the colorful houses, clothing, customs, clothing, gastronomy, music, and celebrations.


3939 Meadows Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205

Bishop Theodore Brooks , Presiding Bishop  -   Dr. Kandy Akers , Chair & Global Director


Phone: 317.547.9541 

Fax: 317.543.0513




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