Our Vision:
Join the One Gospel. Every Nation. Movement by getting involved with the IMD. Whether you desire to travel abroad on a short-term missions trip, become a career missionary, or partner through prayers, giving, media, or administrative support, there is a place for you in the IMD! A few of our areas of engagement are as follows:
Our Mission:
Our theme for this administration is ONE GOSPEL. EVERY NATION. We are committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations through new and innovative ways while maintaining our rich heritage and building upon the work of those who have blazed the trail before us. We are committed to sustaining our present work, creating new works, and increasing awareness, participation, and collaborations both internally and externally. Our global focus ensures we remain committed to humanitarian aid, disaster relief, education, and economic empowerment for those we serve. We understand that we are the international arm of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc, and have a special place in God’s heart. We focus on spreading the gospel through miracle healing and soul winning crusades, music, and technology. We lend a hand by developing income generating works like Housing, Education, Medical, and Agriculture that bring income streams to the international dioceses and provide aid to the constituents and communities. We foster an environment that includes international people and mentors the next generation for service.
Our Heritage:
Established in 1919, we are the oldest department of our parent body, the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization. With a presence in over 200 countries, we are growing to meet global needs through focused efforts of expanding into new territories. Our leadership has made great strides in establishing missions work that answer humanitarian, spiritual, economic, educational, and disaster relief needs that are timely and sustainable. Long standing sustainable works in many countries include schools, orphanages, medical clinics, churches, and training centers which demonstrates our stability, strength, and commitment to those we serve. Established in 1931 in Liberia, West Africa, four premier schools on over 150 acres: Haywood Missions Institute, Samuel Grimes School, PAW Mission School, and David Ellis Academy, are our longest standing works. Haywood Mission Institute has annual enrollment over 1100 students has withstood the devastation of the Liberian Civil War. (read more about Haywood) The other three schools were destroyed by the war but are being renovated and are set to reopen within the next year (read more about Samuel Grimes School). We are committed to fulfilling the great commission of Jesus Christ to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38, kjv)
Our Leaders

Bishop G. T. Haywood
Chairman 1919 – 1925
Sister Hilda Reeder
Chairman 1925 – 1931
Bishop Samuel Grimes
Chairman 1932 – 1956
Bishop Earl Parchia
Chairman 1956 – 1968

Bishop William L. Smith
Chairman 1968 – 1974
Bishop Lawrence A. Brisbin
Bishop of Missions 1968 – 1974
Bishop William L. Burrell
Chairman 1974 – 1977
S/Bishop Joseph Morris
Chairman 1981 – 1985

S/Bishop Jasper Phillips
Chairman 1985 – 1989
Bishop Alphonso Scott
Chairman 1989 – 1989
Bishop Clarence Moore
Chairman 1989 – 1993
Bishop William C. Smith
Chairman 1993 – 1997

Bishop Charles A. Sims
Chairman 1997 – 2002
Bishop James Gaiters
Bishop of Missions 1997 – 2007
Bishop Joseph Guthrie
Chairman 2002 – 2005
Bishop Mona Reide, Ed.D.
Chairman 2005 – 2014

Bishop Gregory S. Irvin
Chairman 2014 – 2018
Suffragan Bishop Kandy Akers
Chairman 2018 - Present